The Satisfaction of serving
By Rev. Lorna Amedia
Our amazing God has a potter’s house where He loves to create purposeful things. That house is fully stocked with tools and vessels that will accomplish His purpose on earth for the glory of His Kingdom. He knows where every tool and vessel is stored, how to reach each one and which are best for any given result He desires. He delights in knowing that He has what He needs when He has a purpose to be carried out on earth. You and I, dear sisters, are valuable assets to Him for His use in His well-stocked house. We are part of many who have been chosen to accomplish His divine mission and purpose on earth by serving in ministry.
There is nothing like being used by God! How delightful for you and I that He was delighted when we said yes to the call, and even now serve to this day. Being pleasing to God is extremely pleasurable; even more, it’s His will and our goal! There’s amazing fulfillment in being used by God to get to those He needs to get to! Even more marvelous is that we don’t have to do it alone! Our spirits partner with His Spirit and He equips us for His divine mission in spite of our inadequacies. His Spirit slips our spirits on as if we were gloves and, as Philippians 2:13 declares “… it is God who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” How content we can be in the fact that we are where He wants us to be in serving! Oh, the enjoyment of being catalysts of the demonstration of His love manifested to others! He fills us with gratitude even in the most challenging places because His strength becomes perfect in our weakness. When we can’t, He can and does! The joy of serving others begins, proceeds and will end with the joy of serving such an amazing God! He has a plan for all people, especially His people, and incredibly, He desires us to participate in His plan, actually taking part in the carrying out of His mission to the seeming invisible part of the world we live in. With Him as our partner, no matter how routine or unnoticed our efforts seem to be, He sees us, does not despise the small thing and as Hebrews 6:10 promises us – ‘He is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do.’
Participation in God’s purpose is faith-building as we depend on Him. We rejoice in this because He is faithful, dependable and trustworthy! Serving excites us because He is creative and the most divine plan! How empowering it is to have the freedom to ask Him what to do, or how to proceed. How awe-inspiring to not just anticipate His answer, but to receive one! How reassuring it is, even to serve while not knowing the next step, because He is our Guide and so willing to lead us. He is a lamp for our feet, revealing the path as we walk by faith. It is also both humbling and uplifting to experience God’s approval in a sometimes thankless environment. In His hands, and with Him, we are effective, and He is pleased and glorified! I would dare say, that even with the many challenges serving brings, the blessings outweigh the challenges, and not one of us would think of doing anything else!
Yes, we glean much satisfaction in our purpose for serving, and we know He has an eternal vision for results and rewards. You and I get to do this – serve Him by serving others - sometimes for immediate or timely results, but often, for unseen results. Those unseen results are the cherries on top of the satisfaction that comes from serving others. With the unseen as our focus, let’s serve with joy knowing it’s where our treasures are stored! We will be fully satisfied in His time, when the unseen is seen. As our God-Potter delights in His tools and vessels, reaching for each at the appropriate time, let’s remember He has reached for us for such a time as this! It will be worth it all – it will be a joy unspeakable and full of glory!
Our amazing God has a potter’s house where He loves to create purposeful things. That house is fully stocked with tools and vessels that will accomplish His purpose on earth for the glory of His Kingdom. He knows where every tool and vessel is stored, how to reach each one and which are best for any given result He desires. He delights in knowing that He has what He needs when He has a purpose to be carried out on earth. You and I, dear sisters, are valuable assets to Him for His use in His well-stocked house. We are part of many who have been chosen to accomplish His divine mission and purpose on earth by serving in ministry.
There is nothing like being used by God! How delightful for you and I that He was delighted when we said yes to the call, and even now serve to this day. Being pleasing to God is extremely pleasurable; even more, it’s His will and our goal! There’s amazing fulfillment in being used by God to get to those He needs to get to! Even more marvelous is that we don’t have to do it alone! Our spirits partner with His Spirit and He equips us for His divine mission in spite of our inadequacies. His Spirit slips our spirits on as if we were gloves and, as Philippians 2:13 declares “… it is God who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” How content we can be in the fact that we are where He wants us to be in serving! Oh, the enjoyment of being catalysts of the demonstration of His love manifested to others! He fills us with gratitude even in the most challenging places because His strength becomes perfect in our weakness. When we can’t, He can and does! The joy of serving others begins, proceeds and will end with the joy of serving such an amazing God! He has a plan for all people, especially His people, and incredibly, He desires us to participate in His plan, actually taking part in the carrying out of His mission to the seeming invisible part of the world we live in. With Him as our partner, no matter how routine or unnoticed our efforts seem to be, He sees us, does not despise the small thing and as Hebrews 6:10 promises us – ‘He is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do.’
Participation in God’s purpose is faith-building as we depend on Him. We rejoice in this because He is faithful, dependable and trustworthy! Serving excites us because He is creative and the most divine plan! How empowering it is to have the freedom to ask Him what to do, or how to proceed. How awe-inspiring to not just anticipate His answer, but to receive one! How reassuring it is, even to serve while not knowing the next step, because He is our Guide and so willing to lead us. He is a lamp for our feet, revealing the path as we walk by faith. It is also both humbling and uplifting to experience God’s approval in a sometimes thankless environment. In His hands, and with Him, we are effective, and He is pleased and glorified! I would dare say, that even with the many challenges serving brings, the blessings outweigh the challenges, and not one of us would think of doing anything else!
Yes, we glean much satisfaction in our purpose for serving, and we know He has an eternal vision for results and rewards. You and I get to do this – serve Him by serving others - sometimes for immediate or timely results, but often, for unseen results. Those unseen results are the cherries on top of the satisfaction that comes from serving others. With the unseen as our focus, let’s serve with joy knowing it’s where our treasures are stored! We will be fully satisfied in His time, when the unseen is seen. As our God-Potter delights in His tools and vessels, reaching for each at the appropriate time, let’s remember He has reached for us for such a time as this! It will be worth it all – it will be a joy unspeakable and full of glory!